Welcome to our website. This website is owned and managed by Numbers in Boxes LLC. By using our website, you are both acknowledging that you understand the Terms of Use set forth below as well as agreeing to comply with these Terms. If you are unable to comply with these Terms, please do not use this website or its information. Also, please note that we may occasionally change these Terms of Use without otherwise providing notice. Your continued use of our website constitutes your agreement to accept and abide by any such changes.
Terms of Use
Copyright Notice
Copyright 1979-present Numbers in Boxes LLC. All rights reserved. All third-party content is used under license.
Trademark Notice
Trademarks used on this website (including nominative use) are the property of their respective owners.
Photo Credits
All photos taken by Wonderstruck Studio, Wayland, MA
Terms and Conditions
All information and materials on this website are provided for general informational purposes only. They do not contain business or financial advice or any other form of advice regarding any specific industry, individual, entity, facts or circumstances.
Although we strive to keep the materials on this website current, please note that updates to relevant laws, regulations, and other information may occur in a manner that prevents us from updating this website in a timely manner. Therefore, you should not act upon any information on this website without first seeking professional counsel. Numbers in Boxes LLC makes no warranties, representations or claims of any kind with respect to any of the information on this website, including, without limitation, the accuracy, completeness and suitability for any purpose of this information.
Under the laws and rules of some jurisdictions, the content of this website may be considered advertising for consulting services. Under no circumstance shall Numbers in Boxes LLC be liable to you or anyone else as a result of damages from your access or use of material on this website. These limitations of liability apply even if Numbers in Boxes LLC has been expressly advised of the potential loss.
We may occasionally provide information or materials via email to interested parties. We reserve the right, in our absolute and sole discretion, to reject any requests for such information or materials, or to discontinue the provision of such information or materials to any person for any reason. When you provide your email address to Numbers in Boxes LLC, we may send you information or materials by email and we may receive a confirmation when you open an email from us or click on a link included in one of these emails. Instructions on how to unsubscribe are included in each email.
Some parts of this website invite users to submit their own content. We reserve the right to accept, reject, edit, or delete any content posted by any user of this website.
If you provide us with information prior to hiring us, we may not be able to treat that information as privileged, confidential or protected information. Furthermore, we can represent a party adverse to you even if the information you submit to us could be used against you in that matter.
The opinions expressed herein do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Numbers in Boxes LLC, its employees, or the author.